CPA MA Is Seeking a New COOP MA Director - Reservoir Church
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CPA MA Is Seeking a New COOP MA Director

May 18, 2024

CPA MA is looking for a new Co-op Director to lead the cooperative toward financial self-sustainability and social impact through the growth of high-quality group purchasing programs. Is that you or someone you know? Click and share this link to find out more about this important role.

About CPA MA: This year we are represented by over 50 organizations who are purchasing through our programs, managing over a million dollars of contracts of which we will shift around $300k to BIPOC- owned businesses. We also share in creation of a cooperative federation CPA Network, with other CPAs in 3 states, led by our big sister in Washington DC. We practice genuine workplace democracy, and are adding a worker-ownership class to step deeper into our power-sharing values. Email CPA MA board member Trecia with any questions.